Student for a day today. There are 79 students from and enjoying options like Foods, Woodworking, Athletics ymm

RT @FMPSD: Student for a day @CompMinerTweets today. There are 79 students from @BeaconhillFMPSD @GreelyRRunner and @DrClarkSchool enjoying options like Foods, Woodworking, Athletics #ymm @DougNicholls2

stihlms201tc stihl sthilchainsaw stihlbelgium treeworker travail tree arboristegrimpeur arb…

#stihlms201tc #stihl #sthilchainsaw #stihlbelgium #treeworker #travail #tree #arboristegrimpeur #arborist #grimpeur #gopro #abattage #autumn #arbre #passion #protosintegralarborist #protos #feuilles #woodworking #winter #wood #treeworker #climbing #treeclimber #trees #woodchipper #eliet #broyeur

Ds are rightfully concerned about attacks on Hunter Bidens nepotistic role at Burisma, but Sanders is going to have to defend equally questionable deals, like the 500,000 his wifes university paid for a woodworking program run by his stepdaughter.

RT @HotlineJosh: “Ds are rightfully concerned about attacks on Hunter Biden’s nepotistic role at Burisma, but Sanders is going to have to defend equally questionable deals, like the $500,000 his wife’s university paid for a woodworking program run by his stepdaughter.”

Craig in Buckie ordered a 6 DiamondBack Belt with an Eagle Pouch – Standard Black Left handside, …

Craig in Buckie ordered a 6″ DiamondBack Belt with an Eagle Pouch – Standard Black / Left handside, a Talon Pouch – Standard Black / Right handside and a Hammer Holster Right @diamondback.toolbelts #diamondback #toolbelts #toolpouches #toolrigs #construction #carpenter #carpentry #woodwork #woodworking #zimmermann #charpentier #joiner #joinery #teamdiamondback

A bit of slo mo monkeypuzzle zennormade…woodturner woodturning slowmotion slowmo satisfying satisfyingvideos handmade woodwork woodworking lathe tools workshop woodshop wood woodisgood madeincornwall youtube woodstagram workinprogress wip process

RT @zennormade: A bit of slo mo monkeypuzzle! #zennormade
#woodturner #woodturning #slowmotion #slowmo #satisfying #satisfyingvideos #handmade #woodwork #woodworking #lathe #tools #workshop #woodshop #wood #woodisgood #madeincornwall #youtube #woodstagram #workinprogress #wip #process…

Curly Redwood flitch match sets I just cut. Man do these look good curlyredwood redwood luthier …

Curly Redwood flitch match sets I just cut. Man do these look good! #curlyredwood #redwood #luthier #backandsides #flitchmatch
#customguitars #woodworking #guitarbuilder #tonewood #guitarmaker #wood #instrumentbuilding #guitarsets #oregonwoodworker #guitar #guitartops #woodworking #guitarbuilders #oregoncost #woodisgood #guitarbuilding #instrument #droptops