
I'm at school right now and I've just got to vent my frustration somewhere, and I thought this would be the right place So, there's this entitled brat at my school, I'll call him EK, and he gets away with everything from threatening people to trying to beat them up. By the way he's in GRADE NINE and he acts like a fucking three year old. He tries to make friends but his idea of friends is anyone who will let him physically and verbally abuse them. But worst off even if you have fought back against him he'll come up to you the next day like nothing happened and pretend he doesn't know why you're mad at him. So, here's my first story. I was sitting outside on the benches with some friends after school waiting for my bus when, EK decides to came up to us and proceeds to bully us. One of my friends had a bloody noes so he threw the tissue at him. EK then proceeds to try and shove it under my foot, so after weeks of dealing with his shit I had enough and hit his kneecap with a piece of wood (I was working on a project in woodwork if you're wondering why I had a random piece of wood with me). We then had a screaming match, before he finally left. I usually don't attack kids younger then me, but I had been dealing with his crap for to long. My second story. I was having a awful day, I had missed my bus so I had to take the second round with all the elementary kids screaming and that gave me one of the worst headaches I've had, I didn't pack anything to eat because I woke up five minutes before I had to go and kids in my woodwork class kept harassing me, so I sat down in the hallway to calm down but ended up having a mental breakdown. So, the first thing that little shit does when he sees me crying in the hallway is come up to me and start to poke me. I told him to fuck off, but that made him start punching me. So, I grabbed the wooden sickles I had brought with me and swung them at him. I didn't hit him, but he was terrified and ran off. But he still continued to harass me, but from thirty feet away. Then I was called into the office and I was nearly SUSPENDED for that. They barely heard my side of the story, all they wanted to do was suspend me and tell me I was wrong. But when I finally told them my side of the story they let me go and EK had no punishment. My third story. I was sitting in the hallway after the bell went. One of my friends came up to me and I put my laptop in it's case and put it on the ground. We started talking for a while and I heard a sliding sound next to me. I look over and guess who it was? That little was of chromosomes trying to take my laptop. He stood up and tried to run away but I grabbed him and smartied him, for those of you who don't know what smarties are it's when someone is wearing a baseball cap and you punch the hard nod on top of it. We got it another yelling match before he ran off. Again I want to say I don't want to hurt people younger, or older, then me but I had dealt with enough of his shit.